Successful Grading Week!

Well done for all students, Instructors, family and friends who came along to Grading week.

Congratulations especially to the Merit Award and Trophy winners this term.


Mighty Dragons Presentation Night

The kids did very well showing a great martial art attitude at presentation night!  Everyone showed great respect, discipline and an enormous effort in trying their best.  Also, Molly and Monty the Mighty Dragons graded to their 1st Dans!  They both had plenty of nice things to say about the Mighty Dragons and will be waiting to see everybody next year!


Extreme Teens Grading

All teens showed a marked improvement in attitude. With our focus for this term being Mastery, the kids showed a huge improvement through kicking intensity and all basic technique. Fitness, kicking and Patterns were also tested and the Instructors were proud of everyone’s progress. Well done!


Challenge Adults Grading

The term’s focus on returning to base flexibility was evident in everyone’s show of kicking technique and line work. With a few home truths coming to light this term it was evident that all adults wished to enjoy training while they could. With a large group of junior belts moving up Challenge grading was a big success.

Thank you

With hundreds of participants each night and close to 400 attending our Mighty Dragon Grading on Tuesday the week was a big success.
On behalf of IMPACT, we’d like to thank all the Team Leaders, Instructors and helpers for their time and efforts during Grading week. Everyone’s input is appreciated and helps to make these Gradings so successful.  Pictures are available on the IMPACT Gallery here.

Here are some things members and parents have said:

“I am amazed that IMPACT can get that many kids in order all at once!”

“Thanks for all the hard work and effort – the organization really shows”

“It’s great to be part of a fun event like this”


Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Then we’d love to hear them!

Help us help you by emailing the office any comments or ideas.

Term 1

Term 1 starts on Tuesday 4th February for Woden and Belconnen

Term 1 starts on Wednesday 5th February for Gungahlin.

Photo’s on Facebook to come soon so like us at:

Introduction Week Term 1

MPACT will also be holding its Introduction week in the week before term starts, so if you have any family and friends that would benefit from a free lesson, please bring them along!

Woden: Tuesday 28th January
Belconnen: Thursday 30th January
Gungahlin: Friday 31st January

See you then!

Kind Regards,

IMPACT Administration