7th – 8th September 2013
After a huge weekend including a 7 hour training camp on Saturday and 5 hours of competition on Sunday our Sparring A group is glad to be home. Final results from European vs Australia Fight Day.
Nicole Men
Nicole Men had a very close fight. She lost out to Elin Johansson (Swedish Olympic representatives and multi – medal winners in European and A Grade Opens and European Championship medalist).
Keshena Waterford
Keshena Waterford won by golden point against Pauline Lo-vgren (European A grade medal winner).
Lorna Munro
Lorna Munro won by a superiority 12 point spread at the end of the second round against Nicoline Werdlin (Danish Junior Champion and competed in World Junior Championships).
Reyhan Waterford
Reyhan Waterford came out strong but lost to TJ Curry (US Olympic squad member, US A Grade medalist)
Mitchell Jackson
Mitchell Jackson’s fighter unfortunately had to pull out due to injury. Lennart Theigaard (Multi – medal winner in A grade European competitions and member of the Danish National Team). Well done A Group!