Thank You IMPACT

Hello IMPACT Members!

Here at IMPACT we pride ourselves on our friendly and supportive community. We have been sent through an email by one of our members who has been living a day to day struggle with cancer. In it, she explains her struggles and triumphs and wants to say a huge thank you to you, the members, who have helped her through.

DJ Scanlon


WOW what a journey – I can not believe it has been 17 months since my breast cancer diagnosis! While my journey is far from over having you with me along the way has made it so much easier. Your support added to my quality of life and helped me feel normal as I went through breast cancer treatment.

Thank you for your amazing individual friendship and support – in the special phone calls, visits, gifts, flowers, donations, prayers, hugs, SMS texts and emails. These things may have seemed insignificant to you but came at just the right moment for me when I needed a lift.

Thank you for sponsoring me in the Mothers Day classic. The whole experience was an unbelievable journey and challenge for me but was worth every step.

Thank you for being there for me through some of the most difficult times in my life and for asking me how I’m doing, and actually wanting to hear the answer. Thanks for hugs, smiles, inside jokes and memories and for understanding that I could never write a long enough thank you note to express how much you mean to me.

I am thankful to have friends like you so here is a big electronic hug for being there and supporting me. Now if only I can lose the weight I’ve put on with Chemo.

Thanks again

– DJ”

Thank you for your wonderful message DJ.

And thank you IMPACT for being there for each other 🙂