Term 1 2017 Grading Week

Term 1 2017 Grading Week


Venue: Woden Centre
What: Demonstration of skills! Fun! Games! Competitions! Prizes! And new belts and stripes!
Bring: Grading Money.

Dates and Times

Challenge – Monday 3rd April

6:00pm – 9:30pm

Mighty Dragons – Tuesday 4th April

6:00pm – 7:10pm Group 1 (youngest)
6:00pm – 7:15pm Group 2 (middle)
6:00pm – 7:30pm Group 3 (oldest)
When finished, kids will receive their Belt/Stripe and Certificate, can enjoy the food and can be inspired by watching the older kids.

Extreme/Group 4 – Wednesday 5th April

6:00pm – 8:30pm

During Grading Week

Family and friends very welcome!
To ensure that the night runs as smoothly as possible, please do not be late.
Please make sure to bring your neat and complete worksheet! (With your goals and signatures from parent and teacher)
As usual, there will be no formal classes in Week 10.
Group 1, 2 & 3 Grading is held on Tuesday only, and the Group 4 Grading is held on Wednesday only.

We hope that all Mighty Dragons, Extreme and Challenge members will attend!
If you can’t make Presentation Night/Grading Night, please e-mail or phone the office right away!

Good luck and have fun!